Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to write blog posts with source code snippets

Use the following instructions to post some code.

Use http://htmleditor.in/firefox-html-editor.html

Set it to tinyMCE editor

Insert a table 1 column and 1 row


Paste code into the table 

first Markdown document

test markdown 02:26PM 02:28PM 04:06PM 2013-10-29_Tue_16.23-PM

// set model

// adjust groceryCRUD's language to No-CMS's language

Written with StackEdit.

test posting source code

$primary_key = isset($state_info->primary_key)? $state_info->primary_key : NULL; switch($state){ case 'unknown': break; case 'list' : break; case 'add' : break; case 'edit' : break; case 'delete' : break;
$primary_key = isset($state_info->primary_key)? $state_info->primary_key : NULL; switch($state){ case 'unknown': break; case 'list' : break; case 'add' : break;